Monday, October 19, 2009

Miracles on the road

He said, " we'll see what we can do" as he walked away talking to his employee. The next thing we knew, his men had installed five really good tires and when we went to pay the owner, he said," no charge. " He than said,"it's the least I can do to help you keep this outfit on the road, and to keep you doing what your doing." Then there is a friend of our in Watrous that, even though he didn't have a lot, filled our tanks with diesel. The miracles and blessing went on and on and totally built our faith in a God who is interested in many coming to know Him.
Please don't think we believe we are any more special than anyone else. We are who we are because of what Jesus has done in our lives. We are far from perfect and will never be as long as we are on this earth. God is still working in us and always will be, changing us to be more like him. It says in the bible that our righteousness is as filthy rags, it is only because Jesus is in us and His righteousness is in us that we are changed at all.
Diane and I have had so many opportunities to serve God with our lives. We are blessed to be parents of a great family that just gets bigger and better all the time. Diane and I are part of a dedicated and great team at our church called Celebrate Recovery that works with and helps men, women and families with problems of addictions. We spent many years directing a youth summer camp with our family. I have taken training to be a Community Service Chaplain and have served as chaplain for the Gideons and the Christian Motorcyclist Association. I am now serving as a deacon on our church board. Over the past 25 years, we have been blessed to be able to help many people enter and complete a trade that would allow them to better care for their families. I was privileged to speak at a drug and alcohol detox center for five years. That totally opened our eyes to how badly men and women need God's love and the care of people who would help them find their God given gifts and to be able to put those gifts to use to make a better world for all of us to live in. It's really not that hard if we would only give God a chance.

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