Friday, October 23, 2009

Merging Trails

Thank you so much for taking the time to follow the ranch trail as Diane and I have attempted to go back with you all to where it all began.  How we can all look back and see that God was and is working in our lives,  I don't mean just us but all of you,  to take a look at the way things are or the way things could have been and how God is or will or could work in your lives.  We appreciate every one of you and I can only explain it by telling you that when I stopped in at Emco plumbing supplies today with sushi as a treat for every one and to say thank you for all they have done for the ranch.  Shelly came up to me and gave me the biggest warmest hug you can imagine and she said that she can't start her day till she checks the blog, or the emails we recieved this morning from a special young lady and a young man that encouraged us as they shared of the hope that God was bringing into their lives as they read the blogs each day. We can all be apart of God's plan as we follow His words Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  The trail has come to the point that we can join the daily blog now and continue to watch God's blessing on the daily path that He leads us on.  So here we go as we merge over to the daily blog trail. We hope to  hear from you.  God bless you and your families.  If you would like to make a tax deductable donation to the Ranch, we are still under the umbrella of our church, please make your cheque payable to"Lloydminster Gospel Fellowship" and on the bottom of your cheque write Re: Ranch project.  If you wish to donate equipment, we need estimate on the worth of whatever you wish to donate, and than you will recieve a tax reciept for your gift in kind. Thank you so much. 

1 comment:

  1. God is good!!! Day after day God brings tremendous joy when we read how He just keeps pouring blessings on His Ranch. When God decides to move in the land, and He can find people to obey and follow, tighten your seat belts and hang on for the ride is going to be amazing. Keep up the good work. Thanks to God for you and your family and all the people who are pouring into His Ranch and using their God given gifts to bless so many others.
