Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday the day of change

Our good friends Larry and Peg are going through some tough times as they have chosen to wait on God's leading in their lives. They have lost almost everything they ever had and yet they feel God saying to them, wait. They have outstanding bills they owe and hope to someday pay them all back but how and when they just don't know. Many of us don't understand or even want to understand what they are going through, and often we have judged them harshly. But in it all, they, as a couple have this incredible peace and no matter what any of us say to them it just doesn't fizz on them or effect their choice to wait on God. Larry has been such a help out at the ranch, with the work that has needed to be done out there. Me, with many hernia operations and one knee repair and now another knee acting up. Larry has never hesitated to do what I have been unable to do. He has defiantly been my Aaron and I have been grateful for that. Larry knows that I am in no position to help him much financially, but that's not where he feels the help will come from. He really believes that God will be his provider as he waits on Him. Larry and Peg for the last couple of months not only helped many people around here but friends of theirs away from Lloyd also. Their friend suddenly passed away and they are with the family so please lift the two of them in prayer at this time. Diane and I have found that the remarkable thing about fearing God is that when you have a healthy fear of God, you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God, you will fear everything else that may come your way. The miracle of the day had to come from a good friend of ours who sat with an
elderly woman in the hospital as she was on her death bed. In those last moments she was still
able to continue a conversation with him and he asked her, "do you see Jesus?" and without
hesitation she replied, "He's there waiting for me." and within minutes she took a deep breath
and was gone to be with the Lord.
Jesus has so much for each of us so give Him a chance.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is totally true that if fear the Lord you will not fear anything else! and vice versa! The miracle of the day about the sweet lady totally touched me!
    Thankyou for the prayer and cake time last night mom and dad!
    Love you both!
