Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday's Super C.M.A. day

We had a great Saturday starting with super worship time at the Christian Motorcyclists Regiaonal Rally here in Dauphin, Mb.  Then Ron Noble and his wife Sandy did sessions on relationships.  We set up a table with all our t-shirts, crosses and information about the ranch.  Absolutely everyone was asking questions about the ranch and we were kept very busy describing and explaining the ranch plan and process. For a good part of the afternoon Tony (not John)  from Saskatoon, the guy that used to work at Kelsey Tech. taught us safe riding practices for a ride group.  He explained everything from planning our rides to setting out in groups so we'll all have a safe ride home.  In Saskatoon they have summer schedules and winter schedules.  Summer they get together for weekly dinner rides to a different destination every week and always good food and ice cream.  In the winter time they have bi-weekly get togethers at Tim's where it's always a great place to meet new riders, talk about motorcycles and invite new people to the summer rides.  After a super supper and some fellowship time Leo showed me how to put a counter on our blog .  At 7:00 pm I had the opportunity to give the whole ranch presentation and spend some time answering a lot of questions.  We wound down the evening with several groups doing a concert for us and some great testamonies.  P.T.L. for another opportunity to share the vision as He assembles His faithful to complete the ranch project. Blessings on all and thanks for your faithfulness as you stand with us.

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